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SRYLED LED Displays Shine at China-France Entrepreneur Committee Meeting


SRYLED LED Displays Shine at China-France Entrepreneur Committee Meeting


On the afternoon of May 6, 2024, local time, President Xi Jinping of China, together with French President Emmanuel Macron, attended the closing ceremony of the 6th China-France Entrepreneur Committee Meeting in Paris. President Xi delivered an important speech titled "Continuing the Past and Opening up a New Era of Sino-French Cooperation." The two heads of state, along with representatives of Chinese and French entrepreneurs, posed for a group photo before entering the theater auditorium.


Amidst enthusiastic applause, President Xi Jinping delivered his speech.



President Xi Jinping pointed out that this year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. In the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, 60 years symbolize a full cycle, implying the continuity of the past and the opening of the future. Over the past 60 years, China and France have been sincere friends, upholding the spirit of independence, mutual understanding, foresight, and win-win cooperation, setting an example of mutual achievement and common progress between countries of different civilizations, systems, and development levels. Over the past 60 years, China and France have been win-win partners. SRYLED LED Displays Shine at China-France Entrepreneur Committee Meeting. China has become France's largest trading partner outside the European Union, and the two countries' economies have formed a strong symbiotic relationship.

President Xi Jinping emphasized that China is an important representative of Eastern civilization, and France is an important representative of Western civilization. China and France have no geopolitical conflicts or fundamental conflicts of interest. They share a spirit of independence, mutual attraction of splendid cultures, and broad interests in pragmatic cooperation, giving ample reasons for the development of bilateral relations. Standing at a new crossroads of human development and facing the complex changes of the world in the next century, China is willing to closely communicate and cooperate with France to elevate Sino-French relations to a higher level and achieve greater accomplishments.


Looking to the future, we are willing to enrich the economic and trade content of China-France comprehensive strategic partnership with France. China has always regarded France as a priority and reliable cooperation partner, committed to expanding the breadth and depth of bilateral economic and trade relations, opening up new areas, creating new models, and nurturing new growth points. China is willing to continue actively utilizing the full-chain fast coordination mechanism "From French Farms to Chinese Tables," allowing more high-quality French agricultural products such as cheese, ham, and wine to appear on Chinese dinner tables. China has decided to extend the visa-free policy for short-term visits to China by citizens of France and 12 other countries until the end of 2025.


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Looking to the future, we are willing to jointly promote mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Europe. China and Europe are two major forces promoting multipolarity, two major markets supporting globalization, and two civilizations advocating diversity. Both sides should adhere to the correct positioning of a comprehensive strategic partnership, continuously enhance political mutual trust, jointly oppose the politicization, ideologicalization, and generalized securitization of economic and trade issues. We look forward to Europe working with China to move towards each other, enhance understanding through dialogue, resolve differences through cooperation, eliminate risks through mutual trust, and make China and Europe key partners in economic and trade cooperation, priority partners in scientific and technological cooperation, and trustworthy partners in industrial and supply chain cooperation. China will autonomously expand the opening-up of service industries such as telecommunications and healthcare, further open its market, and create more market opportunities for enterprises from France, Europe, and other countries.


Looking to the future, we are willing to work hand in hand with France to address global challenges. The world today faces increasing deficits in peace, development, security, and governance. As independent and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, China and France should shoulder responsibilities and missions, use the stability of Sino-French relations to deal with global uncertainties, strengthen coordination at the United Nations, practice true multilateralism, and promote the multipolarization of the world with equality and orderly economic globalization.


President Xi Jinping emphasized that China is promoting dep-level reforms and high-quality development through high-level opening up and accelerating the development of new productive forces. We are planning and implementing major measures to comprehensively deepen reforms, steadily expand institutional opening-up, further expand market access, and reduce the negative list for foreign investment, which will provide broader market space and more win-win opportunities for countries, including France. We welcome French companies to actively participate in China's modernization process and share the opportunities of China's development.


President Xi Jinping pointed out that in just over two months, France will host the grand Paris Olympics. The Olympics are a symbol of unity and friendship and a crystallization of cultural exchanges. Let us adhere to the original intention of establishing diplomatic relations, carry forward traditional friendship, practice the Olympic motto of "Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together," jointly open up a new era of Sino-French cooperation, and jointly compose a new chapter of the community of shared future for mankind!


Representatives from various sectors, including the governments and enterprises of China and France, attended the closing ceremony, totaling more than 200 people.