
How To Choose The Perfect led screens In UK

Navigating the realm of LED technology can be tricky, given the myriad display options available. It’s tough to figure out the optimal solution for your needs. That’s where PSCo comes into play! We offer unparalleled expertise to tailor the perfect LED solution for you. But before we dive into that, you might have a few questions.

LED displays UK

This nifty guide will spill all the details you need to know before diving into your LED display journey.

1.What Is An LED Display?

An LED display, or light-emitting diode display, is a type of flat-panel display that uses an array of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as pixels for video display. LEDs are semiconductor devices that emit light when an electric current passes through them. In an LED display, these LEDs are arranged in a grid to form pixels, and the combination of different colored LEDs creates the full spectrum of colors needed for displaying images and videos.

2.Types Of LED Displays

LED displays come in various types based on their application scenarios and technical characteristics. Here are some common types:

1. Indoor LED Display:

Used in indoor environments such as malls, conference rooms, banquet halls, etc.
Typically employs Surface Mount Device (SMD) packaged LEDs, providing a refined display.】

Outdoor LED screens UK

2.Outdoor LED Display:

Designed for outdoor settings like squares, sports stadiums, billboards, etc.
Features waterproof, dustproof, and sunlight-resistant properties to withstand harsh weather conditions.
Generally uses Dual In-line Package (DIP) packaged LEDs with high brightness.

3.Full-Color LED Display:

Utilizes combinations of red, green, and blue LEDs to present a wide range of colors.
Can be classified into true color (RGB tri-color) and virtual color (generating other colors by adjusting brightness and color mixing).

4.Single-Color LED Display:

Utilizes only one color of LED, typically red, green, or blue.
Suitable for displaying simple information like text and numbers, with a relatively lower cost.

5.Indoor Holographic 3D LED Display:

UK LED screen suppliers

Uses special LED technology to create a three-dimensional holographic effect in the air.
Typically employed in exhibitions, performances, and other special events.

6.Flexible LED Display:

Manufactured using flexible materials, allowing for bending and folding, suitable for special scenarios and creative designs.

7.Transparent LED Display:

Manufactured using transparent materials, allowing viewers to see through the screen.
Suitable for applications like storefront windows and building facades.

8.Interactive LED Display:

Integrates touchscreen technology, enabling users to interact with the display.
Applicable in exhibitions, mall navigation systems, and other scenarios that involve user participation.

What Are LED Displays Used For?

LED displays find versatile applications in diverse environments spanning various industries, ranging from retail establishments and corporate meeting rooms to live events and outdoor advertising spaces. LED technology is predominantly employed for presentations, signage, and data visualization purposes.


A report by Forbes revealed that businesses have 7 seconds to make a first impression and LED displays can help create everlasting impressions. At first, LED displays were mostly in the reception area to provide a ‘wow’ factor and communicate brand values to guests and employees when they enter the building, but they are now also common in conference rooms and event spaces for epic presentations and video calls.

What’s more, most LED providers now offer convenient “All-in-One” solutions that come in a variety of fixed sizes ranging from 110” to 220”. These are easy to install and economical enough to justify replacing existing projection and LCD displays.


At one time, only luxury brands could afford an LED display but as competition demanded it and the cost dropped, digital signage is now a common sight in any retail store or shopping centre. Especially in the wake of COVID-19, brick and mortar shops are having to step up their game to compete with online shops.

As 90% of buying decisions are influenced by visual factors, LED displays create immersive shopping experiences to remember. The beauty of LED is that it can blend seamlessly into any environment. Retailers can even create a display that is completely unique to their store, choosing the shape and size and customising the display to a variety of designs including floor, ceiling and curved walls.

Broadcast / Virtual Production

In a content driven world, broadcast and production companies are bringing their stories to life with dynamic LED backdrops that work well on screen and under the spotlight. The realistic picture quality, versatility and reliability of LED technology has also led many film studios to opt for virtual productions over on-location shooting, helping to reduce their carbon footprint and travel bills.


The number of digital out of home (DOOH) screens in the UK has doubled in just two years with increasing demand for flexible, real-time content management and delivery across digital signage, outdoor advertising and sports displays.

These are just a few applications and there are many LED options for each. The best way is to see it yourself at our experience centre! Speak to us to learn about the full range and how we can help.

Post time: Nov-30-2023

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