
LED Displays Make the 2022 Winter Olympics More Beautiful

With the successful conclusion of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the huge LED stage lit by China’s Bird’s Nest amazed the world. Not only does it break the world record in terms of area, but it can also present 8K ultra high definition video playback effects on the basis of meeting the requirements of wear resistance, weight resistance, waterproof and cold resistance. ThisLED floor composed of 42,208 pieces 500x500mm LED panels perfectly helped the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics to perform one wonderful step after another. Behind this is the precise cooperation of Leyard team in every step, as well as the strength of electronic display technology.

Winter Olympic 2022

In order to perfectly present the digital technology innovation of the Winter Olympics to the world, and cooperate with director Zhang Yimou to speak Chinese stories, the entire Bird’s Nest used nearly 11,000 square meters of LED display screens, covering 7,000 square meters indoor LED screen for the central stage, and 60-meter-high ice waterfall, ice cube, north and south grandstand screens. As opening ceremony stage, the LED floor carries more than 60% of the performance creativity of the opening ceremony. It is currently the world’s largest LED three-dimensional stage, with pixels up to 14880×7248 and close to 8K resolution, which can perfectly presentnaked-eye 3D Effect.

LED floor

In order to achieve the display synchronization and immersive effect, the Leyard technical team designed the broadcast control system according to the best point-to-point display effect, and designed a total of 7 groups of 8K playback servers and 6 groups of video splicers to achieve video output synchronize from multiple players.

In addition, in order to avoid the serial failure risk brought by the traditional daisy-chain cascade synchronization, Leyard used 1 set of frame synchronization signal generators to provide a unified external synchronization signal for 14 playback servers and 24 video splicers at the same time , to ensure that 38 independent devices keep working synchronously and do not interfere with each other, the synchronization time error does not exceed 2μs, and the screen pixel scanning error does not exceed 1 line.

Beijing Winter Olympic

Through the efforts of Leyard, the performance is guaranteed to be foolproof, and the most perfect picture belonging to the Chinese is presented on the world’s largestLED stage. Let the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics leave no regrets, and demonstrate China’s power to the world with practical actions.

Post time: Feb-11-2022

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